Chiharu Shiota

Born in Osaka, Japan. Lives and works in Berlin.
Over the course of the past three decades, Chi­haru Shio­ta has built a stel­lar inter­na­tion­al career, exhibit­ing wide­ly in major muse­ums across Europe, Asia and Australia.
Chi­haru Shio­ta is best known for intri­cate and large-scale instal­la­tions that explore com­plex rela­tion­ships between body and mind. She maps elu­sive sen­sa­tions of emo­tion and mem­o­ry by weav­ing tan­gi­ble objects – cloth­ing, musi­cal instru­ments, fur­ni­ture, let­ters, and even an incin­er­at­ed piano – into exten­sive, tan­gled webs cre­at­ed with hun­dreds of metres of del­i­cate thread. By cap­tur­ing objects in this way, the artist cre­ates atmos­pher­ic, oth­er­world­ly envi­ron­ments that inspire reflec­tion on things past and med­i­ta­tion on future dreams.


Anna Schwartz Gallery is a con­tem­po­rary art gallery in Aus­tralia which has been owned and oper­at­ed by founder Anna Schwartz since 1986 and is now direct­ed by Tania Doropoulos. Estab­lished in Mel­bourne, Anna Schwartz Gallery has iden­ti­fied and cul­ti­vat­ed the careers of vision­ary artists from Aus­tralia and inter­na­tion­al­ly. The gallery rep­re­sents over thir­ty mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional artists and works on indi­vid­ual projects with artists and cura­tors globally. Anna Schwartz Gallery dis­tin­guish­es itself for its uncom­pro­mis­ing con­cep­tu­al posi­tion and con­tri­bu­tion to cul­ture span­ning visu­al art, music and pub­lish­ing, under the imprint SCHWARTZCITY.