Nikhil Chopra

Nikhil Chopra was born in Calcutta in 1974 and lives in Goa. He trained at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Maharaja Sayaji Rao University of Baroda in India, he then continued his studies in America where in 2003 he created SIR RAJA II, his first solo exhibition. He returned again to exhibit in the United States in group exhibitions in 2005 and, in 2006, at the Brooklyn Museum in New York. Among the most important exhibitions are the following solo shows: “Drawing a Line through Landscape” for Documenta 14 (2017); “LANDS, WATERS, AND SKIES”, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2019); “Yog Raj Chitrakar: Memory Drawing IX” created at the New Museum in New York in 2009 and the collective “Production Site: The Artist’s Studio Inside-outal”, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (2010); “Generation in Transition: New Art from India” at Zacheta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw (2011). In 2011 he also made, in collaboration with Munir Kabaniper H Box, the film “Man Eats Rock” presented at Art Sonje in Seoul; at the Today Art Museum in Beijing and at the Guangdong Museum of Art in Guangzhou. In 2013, as part of the Manchester International Festival, his performance “Coal on Cotton” received critical acclaim. In 2014 and 2015 he took part in the Kochi Muziris Biennial, the Havana Biennial and the 12th edition of the Sharjah Biennial; and in 2017 the Yinchuan Biennial.

Galleria Continua

Nikhil Chopra and Jonathas De Andrade - Patterns of identity

Galleria Continua is happy to present a selection of works by Nikhil Chopra and Jonathas de Andrade, in an OVR that explores their research which follows patterns of identity rooted into history and space. Although coming from different backgrounds and artistic approaches, the two share a deep understanding of the cultural and social aspects of their respective lands of origin (India and Brazil), two different contexts connected by a vast array of historical affinities.
The works presented approach concepts of memory; in Chopra's case, its representation and its influx on the identity of the individual, and for De Andrade in a collective and societal sense, the two being indissoluble, with one forming and molding the other.