EVA International
Still (the) Barbarians

Limerick, Ireland
16 April to 17 July 2016
Curated by Koyo Kouoh

For the 2016 edition of the EVA International Biennale in Limerick, curator Koyo Kouoh presented Still (the) Barbarians, reminding readers of the catalogue that Ireland is “the first and foremost colonial laboratory of the British enterprise.” However, Kouoh went on to suggest how post-colonial discourse is strangely almost all but absent within the Irish consciousness. Markedly, the exhibition took place during the centenary of the Easter Rising of 1916, and, taking its title from Constantine Cavafy’s 1898 poem, ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’, offered a timely and powerful reconsideration of the legacy of Ireland’s colonial past. In the exhibition, Ireland’s postcolonial condition was approached as a way “to articulate artistic reflections, critical redefinitions, and political transformations.” Still (the) Barbarians featured the work of 57 artists, including new commissions by Kostas Bassanos, Eric Baudelaire, Godfried Donkor, Mary Evans, Tom Flanagan and Megs Morley, Liam Gillick, Carsten Höller, Michael Joo, Abdoulaye Konaté, Kemang Wa Lehulere, Charles Lim Yi Yong, Alice Maher, Pádraic E. Moore, Alan Phelan, Johannes Phokela, Deirdre Power and Softday (Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström), Willem de Rooij, Tracey Rose, Mona Vatamanu and Florin Tudor, John Waid.
