A dedicated film programme curated by Rodrigo Moura (Chief Curator of El Museo del Barrio, New York City). As the artworld lives a digital peak, Moura notes, both artists and audiences alike respond to a new reality in presenting and experiencing moving images online.

Unfolding over 3 days, and visible until 7 March, the Film Programme is conceived as a digital presentation for thought-provoking audiovisual works. This selection encompasses works both recent and from a not so distant past, ranging themes such as identity, spirituality, the environment, language, and history, with works reflecting the current sanitary crisis and others that resonate within this context.

Panel discussion
Released 24 February
Rodrigo Moura in conversation with artists Martha Atienza and Elia Alba. The talk will be centered on notions of cultural representation and the global south, art in the era of social and environmental justice and the online life of moving images online.

To view the full programme and to access the panel discussion click here


Feb 24 2021 - Mar 07 2021


All Day