Jitish Kallat: Order of Magnitude
Kallat presents new bodies of work in his first major solo exhibition in West Asia at Ishara Art Foundation
Venue & Dates:
Ishara Art Foundation
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
16 February – 1 July 2022
Ishara Art Foundation began the year with Jitish Kallat‘s first-ever major solo in West Asia. The show presents a wide selection of Kallat’s works and highlights his mastery as a multidisciplinary artist. Thematically, the exhibition reflects his profound deliberations on the interrelationship between the cosmic and the terrestrial. Kallat’s oeuvre sits between fluid speculation, precise measurement and conceptual conjectures producing dynamic forms of image-making. Using abstract, schematic, notational and representational languages, he engages with different modes of address, seamlessly interlacing the immediate and the cosmic, the telescopic and the microscopic, the past and present. In Order of Magnitude, one finds a contemplation of overarching interconnectivity on the individual, universal, planetary and extra-terrestrial dimensions. This show also includes a new iteration of Covering Letter (terranum nuncius).

Jitish Kallat, Installation view of Covering Letter (terranum nuncius) (2018 – 2021) at Ishara Art Foundation. 116 stereoscopic parallax prints on Plexiglas, programmed LED panels, frames, wooden shelves and bench, 4 – horn speakers, video projection, Dimensions variable. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.

Jitish Kallat, Postulates from a Re stless Radius (2021). Acrylic, gesso, lacquer, charcoal and watercolour pencil on linen, 640 x 320 cm radius, 375 cm length. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.

Jitish Kallat, Detail view of Covering Letter (terranum nuncius)(2018 – 2021). 116 stereoscopic parallax prints on Plexiglas, programmed LED panels, frames, wooden shelves and bench, 4-horn speakers, video projection, Dimensions variable. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.

Jitish Kallat, Installation view of Integer Studies (Drawings from Life) (2021) at Ishara Art Foundation. Graphite and aquarelle pencil, stained gesso, organic gum on Bienfang gridded paper, 29.2 x 35.9 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.

Jitish Kallat, Installation view of Epicycles (2021) at Ishara Art Foundation. Double-sided multilayer print on 20 LPI lenticular lens, teakwood, 226.1 x 132.1 x 61 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.

Jitish Kallat, Installation view of Epicycles (2021) at Ishara Art Foundation. Double-sided multilayer print on 20 LPI lenticular lens, teakwood, 226.1 x 132.1 x 61 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.
Images courtesy of the artist and Ishara Art Foundation. Photography by Ismail Noor/ Seeing Things.
Click here to view the full exhibition guide.