Bending the Axis

As The World Turns

Curated by Kathleen Ditzig, Carlos Quijon, Jr., Meyken Barreto and Uche James Iroha

As the World Turns brings together different artistic strategies of titling the axis to visualize a truly polyphonic Global South. Extending the discursive affinities that run throughout SOUTH SOUTH’s residency programme, it is collectively curated by the resident curators. The title is appropriated from a popular American soap opera that ran for 54 years ending in 2009. It can be read as a pun of the fundamental shift in the world system that we are experiencing today, which has its roots in the world financial crisis of 2007-2008. From the co-option of the architecture of strongmen and the luxuries of wealth, to the queering of symbols of masculinity and radicalism and to post-historical imaginations of revolution, the selected artworks visually reckon with power. In turn, they lend to new artistic alignments and vocabularies that “bend the axis” in favor of a “Global South” that is no longer restricted to geographical locations.