On the Brink | A solo exhibition by Martand Khosla

As both an artist and a practicing architect, Khosla is deeply involved with the built environment and he sees his artistic practice as an exploration of the continual regeneration of our cities. This is Khosla’s third exhibition with Nature Morte.

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Ana Mendieta – La tierra habla (The Earth Speaks)

The solo exhibition ‘La tierra habla’ followed Mendieta’s journey to three different sites in Cuba: Jaruco, Varadero, and Guanabo. Following the completion of her now well-known ‘Silueta Series’ (1973–80), the artist’s works in Cuba demonstrate an evolving, more sculpturally-inclined practice as well as her increasing comfort with working on a grander scale.

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The Inner Lives of Islands

Individually and collectively the works on show, through sculptural, filmic and installation-based interventions, reflect ideas of nationhood and diasporic identities from this region. SOUTH SOUTH interviewed the curator for the show Robbie Handcock to find out about his considerations for the show.

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